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Concurrency & Computation: Practice & Experience, 2018

Title: Energy-based Tuning of Convolutional Neural Networks on Multi-GPUs
Author(s): F.M. Castro, N. Guil, M.J. Marín-Jiménez, J. Pérez, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
Reference: Volume 31, Number 21, special issue. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.4786 (22 pages).
Date: November, 2019.


Sustainable Computing, 2018

Title: Energy-aware Acceleration on GPUs: Findings on a Bioinformatics Benchmark
Author(s): J. Pérez, A. Rodríguez, J.F. Chico, D. López-Rodríguez, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: J. Sustainable Computing. Elsevier Science.
Reference: Volume 20, pages 88-101.
Date: December, 2018.


BMC Bioinformatics, 2018

Title: DNA Sequences Alignment in Multi-GPUs: Acceleration and Energy Payoff
Author(s): J. Pérez, E. Sandes, A. Melo, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: BMC Bioinformatics.
Reference: Volume 19, Supplement 14, pages 161-176.
Date: November, 2018.


Concurrency & Computation: Practice & Experience, 2018

Title: Energy-based Tuning of Metaheuristics for Molecular Docking on Multi-GPUs
Author(s): J. Pérez, B. Imbernón, J.M. Cecilia, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
Reference: Volume 30, number 17, pages 1-17.
Date: September, 2018.


Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 2016

Title: Legendre Moments as High Performance Bone Biomarkers: Computational Methods and GPU Acceleration
Author(s): J.A. Lachiondo, M. Ujaldón, R. Berretta, P. Moscato.
Published in: Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization.
Reference: Volume 4, numbers 3-4, pages 146-163.
Date: October, 2016.


Current Bioinformatics, 2016

Title: GPU Acceleration of an Entropy-based Model to Quantify Epistatic Interactions Between SNPs
Author(s): C. Riveros, M. Ujaldón, P. Moscato.
Published in: Current Bioinformatics.
Reference: Volume 11, number 4, pages 396-407.
Date: September, 2016.


Journal Cluster Computing, 2016

Title: Dynamic Load Balancing on Heterogeneous Clusters for Parallel Ant Colony Optimization
Author(s): A. Llanes, J.M. Cecilia, A. Sánchez, J. M. García, M. Amos, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Journal Cluster Computing.
Reference: Volume 19, number 1, pages 1-11.
Date: March, 2016.


Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2014

Title: Towards an Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Processors: Findings on Virtual Screening Methods
Author(s): G.D. Guerrero, J.M. Cebrián, H. Pérez-Sánchez, J.M. García, M. Ujaldón, J.M. Cecilia.
Published in: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
Reference: Volume 26, issue 10, pages 1832-1846.
Date: July, 2014.


Journal of Supercomputing, 2014 (2)

Title: Comparative Evaluation of Platforms for Parallel Ant Colony Optimization
Author(s): G.D. Guerrero, J.M. Cecilia, A. Llanes, J.M. García, M. Amos, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Journal of Supercomputing.
Reference: Volume 69, Issue 1, pages 318-329.
Date: July, 2014.


Journal of Supercomputing, 2014

Title: Evaluating the SAT Problem on P systems for Different High-Performance Architectures
Author(s): J.M. Cecilia, J.M. García, G.D. Guerrero, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Journal of Supercomputing.
Reference: Volume 69, Issue 1, pages 248-272.
Date: July, 2014.


Annals of Multicore and GPU Programming, 2014

Title: Exploiting Kepler Capabilities on Zernike Moments
Author(s): A. Ruiz, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Annals of Multicore and GPU Programming.
Reference: Volume 1, number 1, pages 27-37.
Date: April, 2014.


Journal Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2014

Title: Efficient Data Partitioning for the GPU Computation of Moment Functions
Author(s): M.J. Martín-Requena, P. Moscato, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Journal Parallel and Distributed Computing.
Reference: Volume 74, number 1, pages 1994-2004.
Date: January, 2014.


Book Medical Image Processing and Computational Vision, 2013

Title: A Survey for the Automatic Classification of Bone Tissue Images
Author(s): J.E. Gil, J.P. Aranda, E. Mérida-Casermeiro, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Book "Topics in Medical Image Processing and Computational Vision". Computational Vision and Biomechanics Series. Ed. Springer (chapter 10).
Reference: Volume 8, pages 181-200.
Date: April, 2013.


Journal of Supercomputing, 2013

Title: Enhancing GPU Parallelism in Nature-inspired Algorithms
Author(s): J.M. Cecilia, A. Nysbet, M. Amos, J.M. García, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Journal of Supercomputing.
Reference: Volume 63, number 3, pages 773-789.
Date: March, 2013.


Journal Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2013

Title: Enhancing Data Parallelism for Ant Colony Optimization on GPU
Author(s): J.M. Cecilia, J.M. García, A. Nisbet, M. Amos, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Journal Parallel and Distributed Computing. Special Issue on Metaheuristics on GPUs
Reference: Volume 73, number 1, pages 42-51.
Date: January, 2013.


Intl. Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 2012

Title: Efficient Biomarkers for the Characterization of Bone Tissue
Author(s): J.E. Gil, J.P. Aranda, E. Mérida-Casermeiro, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Intl. Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering.
Reference: Volume 62, number 2, pages 787-803.
Date: December, 2012.


Journal of Supercomputing, 2012

Title: Stencil Computations on Heterogeneous Platforms for the Jacobi Method: GPUs versus Cell BE
Author(s): J.M. Cecilia, J.L. Abellán, J. Fernández, M.E. Acacio, J.M. García, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Journal of Supercomputing.
Reference: Volume 62, number 2, pages 787-803.
Date: November, 2012.


Journal Real Time Image Processing, 2012

Title: The 2D Wavelet Transform on Emerging Architectures: GPUs and Multicores
Author(s): J. Franco, G.Bernabé, J. Fernández, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Journal Real-Time Image Processing. Special Issue on Parallel Computing for Real-Time Image Processing.
Reference: Volume 7, number 3, pages 145-152.
Date: June, 2012.


Journal Soft Computing, 2012

Títle: The GPU on the Simulation of Cellular Computing Models
Author(s): J.M. Cecilia, J.M. García, G.D. Guerrero, M.A. Martínez-del-Amor, M.J. Pérez-Jiménez, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Journal Soft Computing. Special Issue on Evolutionary Computation on General-Purpose Graphics Processing Units.
Reference: Volume 16, number 2, pages 231-246.  
Date: February, 2012.


Journal High Performance Computing Applications, 2011

Title: Color and Texture Analysis on Emerging Parallel Architectures
Author(s): F. Igual, R. Mayo, T. Hartley, U. Catalyurek, A. Ruiz, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Journal High Performance Computing Applications.
Reference: Volume 25, number 4, pages 404-427.
Date: November, 2011.


Book Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing, 2011

Title: Leveraging Graphics Hardware for an Automatic Classification of Bone Tissue
Author(s): M.J. Martín-Requena, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Book "Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing - Recent Trends". Computational Methods in Applied Sciences Series. Ed. Springer (chapter 19).
Reference: Pages 209-228.
Date: November, 2010.


Journal of Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society, 2010

Title: Using GPUs for Accelerating Electromagnetic Simulations
Author(s): M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Journal of Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society. Special Issue on Hardware Accelerated Computational Techniques for Electromagnetic Simulations of Complex Problems.
Reference: Volume 25, number 4, pages 294-302.
Date: April, 2010.


Book Advances in Parallel Computing (1), 2010

Title: The GPU on the Matrix-Matrix Multiply: Performance Study and Contributions
Author(s): J.M. Cecilia, J.M. García-Carrasco, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Book "Advances in Parallel Computing. Parallel Computing: From Multicores and GPUs to Petascale" (chapter 19).
Reference: Pages 331-340.
Date: 2010.


Book Advances in Parallel Computing (2), 2010

Title: Exploring the GPU for Enhancing Parallelism on Color and Texture Analysis
Author(s): F. Igual, R. Mayo, U. Catalyurek, T. Hartley, A. Ruiz, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Book "Advances in Parallel Computing. Parallel Computing: From Multicores and GPUs to Petascale" (chapter 19).
Reference: Pages 299-306.
Date: 2010.


Book High Throughput Image Reconstruction and Analysis, 2009

Title: Scalable Image Registration and 3D Reconstruction at Microscopic Resolution
Author(s): L. Cooper, K. Huang, A. Ruiz, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Chapter of book High Throughput Image Reconstruction and Analysis. ArTech House Publishers
Reference: Pages 173-199.
Date: 2009.


Book Advances in Parallel Computing, 2009

Title: Processing of Large-Scale Biomedical Images on a Cluster of Multi-Core CPUs and GPUs
Author(s): U. Catalyurek, T. Hartley, O. Sertel, M. Ujaldón, A. Ruiz, J. Saltz, M. Gurcan.
Published in: Book "Advances in Parallel Computing. High Speed and Large Scale Scientific Computing". IOS Press (chapter 18).
Reference: Pages 341-364.
Date: 2009.


Intl. Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, 2009

Title: Stroma Classification for Neuroblastoma on Graphics Processors
Author(s): A. Ruiz, O. Sertel, M. Ujaldón, U. Catalyurek, J. Saltz, M. Gurcan.
Published in: Intl. Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics. Ed. Inderscience.
Reference: Volume 3, number 3, pages 280-298.
Date: 2009.


Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2009

Title: Non-rigid Registration for Large Set of Microscopic Images on Graphics Processors
Author(s): A. Ruiz, M. Ujaldón, L. Cooper, K. Huang.
Published in: Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image and Video Technology. Special Issue on Biomedical Imaging.
Reference: Volume 55, number 1, pages 229-250.
Date: January, 2009.


Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2008

Title: Recognition of Circular Patterns on GPUs: Performance Analysis and Contributions
Author(s): A. Ruiz, N. Guil, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. Special Issue on General-Purpose Parallel Processing Using GPUs.
Reference: Volume 68, number 10, pages 1329-1338.
Date: October, 2008.


Pattern Recognition Letters, 2008

Title: On the Computation of the Circle Hough Transform by a GPU Rasterizer
Author(s): M. Ujaldón, A. Ruiz, N. Guil.
Published in: Pattern Recognition Letters.
Reference: Volume 29, number 3, pages 309-318.
Date: March, 2008.


Libro Parallel Computing, 2006

Title: Exploiting Parallelism on Irregular Applications Using the GPU
Author(s): M. Ujaldón, J. Saltz.
Published in: Book "Parallel Computing: Current & Future Issues of High-End Computing" from the John von Neumann Institute for Computing Series (chapter 33).
Reference: Pages 639-646.
Date: 2006.


Intl. Journal of Electronic Business, 2005

Title: The GPU as an Indirection Engine for a Fast Information Retrieval
Author(s): M. Ujaldón, J. Saltz.
Published in: International Journal of Electronic Business.
Reference: Volume 3, number 3/4, pages 316-327.
Date: July-August 2005.


The Journal of Supercomputing, 2000

Title: Compile-Time and Run-Time Support for the Parallelization of Sparse Matrix Updating Algorithms
Author(s): G. Bandera, M. Ujaldón, E.L. Zapata.
Published in: The Journal of Supercomputing.
Reference: Volume 17, number 3, pages 263-276.
Date: November, 2000.


IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1997

Title: Vienna-Fortran/HPF Extensions for Sparse and Irregular Problems and Their Compilation
Author(s): M. Ujaldón, E.L. Zapata, B. Chapman, H. Zima.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
Reference: Volume 8, number 10, pages 1068-1083.
Date: October, 1997.


Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 1996

Title: Parallelization Techniques for Sparse Matrix Applications
Author(s): M. Ujaldón, E.L. Zapata, S.D. Sharma, J. Saltz.
Published in: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. Academic Press.
Reference: Volume 38, number 2, pages 256-266.
Date: November, 1996.


Libro Advances in Parallel Computing, 1995

Title: Sparse Block and Cyclic Data Distributions for Matrix Computations
Author(s): R. Asenjo, L.F. Romero, M. Ujaldón, E.L. Zapata.
Published in: Book in Advances in Parallel Computing Series (chapter 10). Elsevier Science. North-Holland, Amsterdam (Holland).
Reference: Pages 359-378.
Date: 1995.


Libro de Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.

Title: Data-Parallel Computation for Sparse Codes. A Survey and Contributions
Author(s): M. Ujaldón, E.L. Zapata, B. Chapman, H. Zima.
Published in: Book "Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Systems for Scalable Computers'' (chapter 19). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Reference: Pages 253-264.
Date: 1995.


Journal Physical Review, 1994

Title: Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Simple Fluids: Departure from linearized hydrodynamic behaviour of the dynamical structure factor
Author(s): E. Enciso, N.G. Almarza, V. del Prado, F.J. Bermejo, E.L. Zapata, M. Ujaldón.
Published in: Journal Physical Review E.
Reference: Volume 50, number 2, pages 1336-1340.
Date: August, 1994.


Journal Microprocessing and Microprogramming, 1993

Title: Parallel WZ Factorization on Mesh Multiprocessors
Author(s): R. Asenjo, M. Ujaldón, E.L. Zapata.
Published in: Journal Microprocessing and Microprogramming.
Reference: Volume 38, number 5, pages 319-326.
Date: September, 1993.